Anne comes out of a movement to make media that helps create opportunity for social change. She has made documentary films (always with limited resources) since the 1970¹s and was associate director and assistant camerawoman for HARLAN COUNTY, USA.
Recent work includes feature documentaries:
“I think of this film as the monument that replaces the removed statue of Jefferson Davis, a monument to equality and freedom.”
Alessandro Portelli
“A gem of a film, accented with freedom fighters who speak firsthand about carving a path through a traumatized, violent, racist South.”
Joan Baez
“Brings the complex issue of globalization down to its human level. Workers on both sides of the border speak from the heart.”
Howard Zinn
For a list of films: https://annelewis.org/films/
Anne received a United States Artists award, a Rockefeller Fellowship, and awards for specific films including Judge¹s Choice London Film Festival for FAST FOOD WOMEN and the DuPont-Columbia Award for ON OUR OWN LAND. Her intent is to create meaningful work, tell the truth about working class Americans, and contribute to the vitality of independent filmmaking.

Associated websites include:
Appalshop of Whitesburg, Kentucky– a national arts center described by Pat Aufderheide as “an unsentimental exercise in authenticity,” (from 1982 to the present)
United States Artists recognition as “one of America’s most innovative artists.”
The University of Texas at Austin, where Anne is a professor of practice in editing and documentary filmmaking.
Articles about Anne’s work in general include:
Center for Media and Social Impact, American University “Anne Lewis and Creative Vision”
In Motion Magazine An interview with Anne Lewis “Community Directed Television”
The Austin Chronicle “Texas Documentary Tour: Anne Lewis”
An extensive oral history interview by Jeffrey A. Keith exploring the legacies of Appalshop for the University of Kentucky is located here and here.
A number of Anne’s films are reviewed in Tom Zaniello’s Working Stiffs, Union Maids, Reds, and Riffraff: An Expanded Guide to Films about Labor (ILR Press Books).
Other reviews are under the review section of specific films.
Click here to view Anne’s bio and filmography2024
Click here to view CV Anne Lewis2024