On Dying of Dementia receives Elevate City of Austin contract
The City of Austin Economic Development Program has contracted with us to finish On Dying of Dementia in January 2025 and for 2 public screenings March and December 2025.
The City of Austin Economic Development Program has contracted with us to finish On Dying of Dementia in January 2025 and for 2 public screenings March and December 2025.
Film Screening: A Strike and an Uprising Join the History Department for a screening of, A Strike and Uprising, a documentary film on the hidden history of Texas radicals and…
Raúl r salinas and the Poetry of Liberation Documentary Film is part of this year's Arthouse Festival! Starts tomorrow and runs a week. Big thanks to Giselle De La Rosa…
Un Trip Screens Saturday, September 30th at 3:30 pm. We are honored to be a Best in Show Nominee at the San Angelo Revolution Film Festival.
Un Trip will be screening in San Marcos with our friends at the Lost River Film Fest on October 14th at 7 pm.
UN TRIP: RAÚLRSALINAS AND THE POETRY OF LIBERATION (25 min) will be part of Season 30 of KERA's Frame of Mind on October 12, 2023, at 10 pm CST