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Interview with A.T. Massey’s Don Blankenship

Interview with A.T. Massey’s Don Blankenship

We join other mining families in grieving for the coal  miners who needlessly lost their lives in Massey Energy’s Upper Big Branch mine on April 6, 2010. We also feel outrage at the barbarism of A.T. Massey and Don Blankenship.
In loss and rage, “Mine War on Blackberry Creek” is streamed on this site. The Appalshop documentary is about the 1984 United Mine Workers of America strike against A.T. Massey, the world’s fourth largest coal company. It includes CEO Don Blankenship who recently called federal mine safety regulation and global warming “silly,” scabs, and thugs. Richard A. Trumka, President of the AFL-CIO, expresses union values as well as the brave men and women who stand up to Massey. The film concludes with music by Rocky Peck, never hired back and killed in a dog hole mine. A remastered DVD is available. See “Mine War on Blackberry Creek,” the 30-minute 1986 documentary by Anne Lewis
The Rag Blog published “The Porcine Man: Don Blankenship and the Sordid History of A.T. Massey.”